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There is a list of common respiratory system diseases such as...

  • Asthma - constriction of hypersensitive airways;
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) - lung disease causing shortness of breath;
  • Chronic Bronchitis - inflammation and permanent scarring of the bronchial tubes
  • Emphysema - damage to air sacs walls causing loss of elasticity;
  • Pleurisy - inflammation of the pleural membrane lining lungs and the chest cavity;
  • Lung Cancer - malignant tumors that develop in lung tissue
  • Acute Bronchitis-inflammation of the bronchial tubes;
  • Influenza - serious infection cause by the influenza virus;
  • Pneumonia - infection of the lungs caused by a virus or bacteria;
  • Sinusitis - inflammation of the sinus cavities;
  • Common Cold - infection caused by a virus;
Upper Respiratory Tract 1. Rhinitis 2. Sinusitis 3. Tonsillitis 4. Pharyngitis 5. Diphtheria

Lower Respiratory Tract 1. Laryngitis 2. Bronchitis 3.Pneumonia 4. Bronchiolitis 5. Bronchiectasis

asthma, lung cancer, emphysema


black lung disease
Asthma Hebrews andAllergic reaction Asthma Hebrews andAllergic reaction

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8y ago
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9y ago

There are several different diseases that can affect the respiratory system. Some of these diseases include asthma, cystic fibrosis, emphysema, bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, tuberculosis, influenza, and pertussis.

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9y ago

smoking and lung cancer


Some of the diseases that can affect the respiratory system include disorders such as asthma, SARS or severe acute respiratory syndrome which is caused by a virus and can consist of a fever and difficulty breathing, or emphysema which is caused by damaged alveoli, or air sacs in the lungs, and consists of difficulty breathing. There is also lung cancer. Respiratory diseases such as asthma, bronchitis and cystic fibrosis
Any illnesses can affect the respiratory system. Bronchitis can affect the respiratory system. the lungs are part of your respiratory system. Bronchitis can make it so you can't breath. So can asthma is a illness they makes it so you can breath.
asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis, laryngitis, respiratory tumors ( lymphoma, mesothelioma, pulmonary hamartoma... ) pulmonary embolism, pulmonary edema, etc.

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14y ago

In general

You know that respiratory system is involved with O2 supply to the body, and any disease in respiratory system will lead to decrease tissue oxygen perfusion and this affect the musculoskeletal system by rapid fatigue so you can't perform heavy exercise and on the cardiovascular, because of poor oxygen concentration the heart should increase pumping force and this lead to cor pulmonale (chronic sequence which is characterized by enlargement of the right ventricle of the heart) or dilation in the ventricular wall (unfavourable type by which the cavity of the heart chamber is narrowed) and other complications. And less oxygen supply will decrease almost all body functions.

If the type of the disease can spread to other body tissue then further complication may occur (such bacterial organism travel through the blood to the brain cause encephalitis "TB encephalitis").

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10y ago

People are affected by respiratory diseases because the lungs are very vulnerable. They are the last organs to develop in utero and are also the only place in the body where our bloodstream is so close to the environment, only two cells separate the blood in capillaries and the air in your alveolar sacs. That's why pathogenic diseases are often called infectious, because they infect your blood, as opposed to contagious which only is transmitted by casual contact, such as shaking hands.

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17y ago

sharing of bottle drinks and eat in the same plate with someone affected.apart from that kissing can also contribute.sleeping in the same blanket with someone affected

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14y ago

Lets see: COPD, Asthma, Lung Cancer, Bronchitis, Emphysema.

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13y ago

mold, pollen, dust, and Allergies

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14y ago

62 million

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14y ago

lung cancer

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