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first of all, there would be no culture if not for communication, and communication is the way that we spread the ideas of our culture to different cultures.

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Q: How and why culture and communication are linked?
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How and why communication and culture are linked?

first of all, there would be no culture if not for communication, and communication is the way that we spread the ideas of our culture to different cultures.

How and why communication and culture be linked?

because communication speak out from the mouth of person while culture is about lifestyle person in their community.

Is Culture is the foundation of communication?

yes,culture is the foundation of communication.

Why is olmec and mother culture linked together?

They were linked together because The Olmec was usually called mother-culture

Culture and communication?

Culture plays a significant role in shaping communication practices, including language use, nonverbal cues, and communication styles. Understanding cultural nuances and differences is essential for effective communication, as it helps to interpret messages accurately and avoid misunderstandings. By being sensitive to cultural influences, individuals can adapt their communication strategies to bridge gaps and build stronger connections with people from diverse backgrounds.

Is Culture communication and communication culture?

No because communication is a part of culture. Culture is defined as all of the non-biological behaviours that humans have (like eating, peeing, sleeping), al of our behaviours that are cultural, meaning different from other human beings, are not biological. Therefore one can say that communication is only a behaviour son it is only a part of a culture.

How is Canada linked to the United States?

Culture and trade

How language and culture be linked together?

Language and culture are closely linked because language is an important aspect of culture, reflecting the beliefs, values, and customs of a society. Language shapes how individuals communicate, express their identities, and convey cultural norms. Similarly, culture influences language by determining the vocabulary, expressions, and even the structure of the language itself.

The process in which countries are linked to one another through culture and trade is called?

The process described is called globalization. It involves the integration and interdependence of countries through the exchange of goods, services, ideas, and culture. It has been facilitated by advancements in technology, transportation, and communication.

What is the C in the ABC's of culture?


Why is a language necessary in a culture?

Language is necessary in a culture to communicate ideas, beliefs, and values among its members. It facilitates social interaction, knowledge sharing, and cultural transmission. Language is also integral to shaping individual and collective identities within a culture.

What is the interrelationship between mass communication and culture?

There is a complicated interrelationship between mass communication and culture. Cultures are developed through communication and this is what makes this relationship to be considered as an intimate one.