The muscles in your diaphragm contract to push the air out of your lungs.
yes it is the inhaled air is 0.04 %, whereas, of the exhaled air is 4 % (100 times) more
Exhaled air is heavier than inhaled air. This is because exhaled air contains higher levels of carbon dioxide, which is denser than the oxygen-rich air that is inhaled.
Carbon dioxide makes up most of the exhaled air in
A small percent . exhaled air always contains oxygen .
The majority of exhaled air in vertebrates is made up of nitrogen and oxygen, which are the primary components of air. Carbon dioxide, a waste product of cellular respiration, is also present in exhaled air in smaller amounts.
Inhaled air is typically warmer than exhaled air because it is heated up as it passes through the nasal passages and airways in the body. Exhaled air is usually slightly cooler as it has exchanged some of its heat with the body.
Yes, because exhaled air is technically carbon dioxide, which is known to cause damage to the brain.
Inhaled air has more oxygen compared to exhaled air. When we inhale, we take in fresh oxygen from the environment to use for cellular respiration. As we exhale, we release carbon dioxide and the remaining oxygen that was not used by the body.
Carbon dioxidenitrogenoxygen
Into the air around you.
Carbon dioxide