Little is known about St. Valentine of Rome, including his birth date.
Ms Gardner for reason only known to her has never revealed her age or her date of birth.
Red Cloud was 86 or 87 when he died. His precise date of birth is not known.
Evan Taylor is not stranger to the media. Sadly his age and birth-date are not publicly known at this point of time.
Peta Sergeant is an Australian actress best known for her role in "Satisfaction." She was born in Malaysia and moved to Australia with her family at a young age. Her date of birth is not available online.
Your date of birth and your age.
Peter was crucified upside down, in the year 64A.D. in Rome, as his birth date is not known we can not tell his real age.
he was born in the golden age
4 year difference.danush date of birth 1983.aishwaryr date of birth 1979
Yes, in some situations, you may be required to provide your date of birth for identification or age verification purposes.
Josh- 21jana & John-David- 19Jill- 18Jessa- 17Jinger- 15Joseph- 14Josiah- 13Joy-Anna- 12Jedidiah & Jeremiah- 10Jason- 9James- 8Justin- 7Jackson- 5Johannah- 4Jennifer- 2Jordyn-Grace- 1 year**NEW!** Josie Brooklyn- currently, 9 days.
Randi Alschul was born in 1960. Randi's exact birth date is not known. The estimated age is 53 to 54 years old.