They would die. Instantly.
A human being would not fare well on the sun as it is extremely hot, with surface temperatures reaching about 5,500 degrees Celsius (9,932 degrees Fahrenheit). This intense heat would quickly vaporize any human being long before they even came close to reaching the sun's surface.
No, there is no free oxygen in Neptune's atmosphere and you are too far from the sun for sunburn..
No, humans cannot live on the sun as it is extremely hot with temperatures reaching about 9,900°F (5,500°C). The intense heat and radiation would be immediately fatal to any human being.
Ah, what a lovely image! In this sentence, the sun is being personified as if it were a person laying down behind the mountains. It's as if the sun is taking a peaceful rest after a long day, isn't that a beautiful thought? Personification helps us connect with nature in a more intimate and relatable way.
Personification. The sun is being described as performing a human action, here.
No human being is present on the surface of the sun, nor has anyone ever visited there.
there would be no human life,it would be to small to be satisfied.
The intense heat would incinerate a human. So we will never travel to the sun or walk on it because any human body would die and burn up.
They'd die...
No, it is not possible for human beings to live on the sun. The extreme heat and radiation on the sun's surface would be instantly fatal to humans. Additionally, there are no resources or conditions on the sun that would support human life.
The sun is being personified as it is given human-like qualities of being able to "beat down" on the people walking through the desert.