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Q: How Do You Put What if your Leg Over What if your Head?
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How do you do cartwheel?

You start with your hands above your head facing forward, not sideways. Put your "good" leg in front and lean forward and let your hands balance your weight as the good leg/lead leg kicks you over. Your "bad" leg lands first and then your lead leg. Pose!

How do you do cartwheel's?

You start with your hands above your head facing forward, not sideways. Put your "good" leg in front and lean forward and let your hands balance your weight as the good leg/lead leg kicks you over. Your "bad" leg lands first and then your lead leg. Pose!

What happens if you put a egg in your head?

Your leg becomes a chicken

How do you bend your leg over your head?

Takes practice

What to do for a frog without a leg?

If you ran over them and it's leg is bleeding put honey on it it will stop the bleeding

How do you get someone in a head lock?

first you lay them down on their back and grab their right leg and twist around it and bend it into a four and put your right leg under their left and keep their lg into a four and put your right leg over their left that is bended and pull back on their left foot and their sure to tap out. good luck!!!!!!

What leg does a slider go on in softball?

the leg you tuck under when you slide i slide and put my left leg under and right over top so i put it on my left but i wear them on my left and right for fielding

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Put it over its head and then under his legs

How do you do hell gate by the undertaker?

How you do it is very simple. First you must be laying down and your opponet on his knees over top of you. Next, grab their arm and put it in between your legs. Then, bend your right leg and press your shin up on their necks. Then, Put your left leg up and rest your knee on their head. Finally, grab the back of their head and push down and push your right shin up on their neck.

How does Shawn Michaels do the Figure Four Lock?

Firstly, Shawn Michaels doesn't do it much. Ric Flair and Triple H does. 1. Hold up the left leg of your opponent when they are on the floor. 2. Put you left leg over your opponent's left leg and twist it until you are facing your opponent again. 3. Put you opponents left leg over of their right leg 4. Get your hand and hold their left leg while using your left foot on top of their legs. 5. Fall down and put pressure on them

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A... ghost?

How do you wizard out of a single leg takedown for folk style?

you take your arm underneath their shoulder and put it behind their head and flex your leg to go straight that way your out of the single leg takedown and you can go back to neutral and make your shot