When a person is in a situation when they are in a harmful situation and danger to themselves or other people. Situations like this are usually frightening or cause a lot of stress. In such situations, people feel helpless.
If the helix of the ear becomes red and itchy, this could be caused by an infection, trauma to the ear or an autoimmune disorder.
There are several different things that can cause red palatal bullae. Some of these causes include contact dermatitis, frostbite, chickenpox, impetigo, and trauma to the skin.
What causes trauma
status post trauma?
tertiary blast
status post trauma?
this is a trauma caused by an event big enough to cause trauma on an an entire society.
there was blunt trauma to the brain.
trauma specialist
No, according to ATLUS trauma team was the last of the trauma series sorry
A minor trauma may be hurtful and upsetting, but is less life-threatening than a major trauma.
He suffered severe trauma in the accident. The loss of her parents was a severe trauma for the young girl.