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Yes, I do. It's horrible and I only recently learned I have it. The feeling of anxiety is paralyzing, and it haso nly gotten stronger as the years pass. It is the main reason why I can't get a degree.

Please, don't treat this lightly, it really is terrible for the person who has to deal with it.

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There is no modern equivalent. The forum was a civic and religious centre where the town senate house, the assembly point for voting, the administrative offices, the courts and m,any of the temples were located. In small towns the forum also hosted the marker. In the city of Rome the civil centre (forum civilium) and the market centre (forum venalium) were separate. The forum Magnum (or Romans forum is a modern term) was the forum civilium. The fora venalia (plural of forum venalum) were: the Forum Boarium (cattle market) the Forum Suarium (meat market) the Forum Piscarium (fish market) the Forum Holitorium (vegetable market) the Forum Vinarium (wine market) the Forum Pistorium (bakers' market) and the Forum Cuppedinis (delicatessen market).

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There is no modern equivalent. The forum was a civic and religious centre where the town senate house, the assembly point for voting, the administrative offices, the courts and m,any of the temples were located. In small towns the forum also hosted the marker. In the city of Rome the civil centre (forum civilium) and the market centre (forum venalium) were separate. The forum Magnum (or Romans forum is a modern term) was the forum civilium. The fora venalia (plural of forum venalum) were: the Forum Boarium (cattle market) the Forum Suarium (meat market) the Forum Piscarium (fish market) the Forum Holitorium (vegetable market) the Forum Vinarium (wine market) the Forum Pistorium (bakers' market) and the Forum Cuppedinis (delicatessen market).