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It's the sound pressure deviation we measure as sound pressure level (SPL). The threshold of pain is known in acoustics as the lowest strength of a stimulus that is perceived by the ear as painful. Because of the different sensitivity of the hearing of people it cannot be given an accurate value. You can find the following rounded values for threshold of pain in various audio articles and books:

140 dB SPL equivalent to 200 Pa

137.5 dB SPL equivalent to 150 Pa

134 dB SPL equivalent to 100 Pa

130 dBSPL equivalent to 63 Pa

120 dBSPL equivalent to 20 Pa

Sound pressure levels more than 140 dB at your ears will burst your eardrums.

Don't forget that the distance from your ears to the sound source is very important. So keep off.

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Q: Hearing can be damaged by sound over?
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Hearing can be damaged by sound over decibels?


How does sound dammage hearing?

Sound can damage hearing by exposing the ears to loud noises which can cause the delicate hair cells in the inner ear to become damaged or die. Once these cells are damaged, they cannot be repaired or replaced, leading to hearing loss. Prolonged exposure to loud sounds or sudden loud noises can both contribute to hearing damage.

What level can sound hurt your ears?

Sound is capable of damaging your hearing once over 85db.

How do hair cells in the ear contribute to damage and hearing loss?

Hair cells in the ear can be damaged by loud noises, aging, or certain medications. When these hair cells are damaged, they can no longer properly transmit sound signals to the brain, leading to hearing loss. This damage is often irreversible and can result in permanent hearing impairment.

Can you ever gain hearing once damaged?

A person that has damaged there hearing can regain it back. The way for a person to gain your hearing back is too have surgery.

Is hearing can be damaged at 60dB or above?

Hearing can be damaged at 85 dB or above over a prolonged period of time. Exposure to sounds at 85 dB or higher can lead to hearing loss or damage, especially if the exposure is frequent or prolonged. It is important to protect your ears from loud noises to prevent hearing damage.

What are some instruments that are used to help people who have damaged hearing hear?

Some common instruments used to help people with damaged hearing hear better include hearing aids, cochlear implants, and assistive listening devices. These devices work by amplifying sound or directly stimulating the auditory nerve to improve the individual's ability to hear and communicate.

Do wired or wireless headphones get better sound quality?

I say wireless because the cables get damaged and degrade sound quality over time.

Could my actions have potentially damaged my baby's hearing"?

It is possible that your actions could have harmed your baby's hearing.

When can a bionic ear help someone hearing?

A bionic ear, or cochlear implant, can help someone with severe to profound hearing loss when hearing aids are no longer effective. It works by directly stimulating the auditory nerve to bypass damaged parts of the ear, allowing the person to perceive sound. It is typically recommended when hearing aids do not provide sufficient benefit.

Why do loud sounds damage ears?

Loud sound damages ears because every sound is a sound wave. The louder the sound the heaver the wave. That is also why you can see things vibrate when loud music is playing. This great sound wave can also hit hard against your ear drums. Sometimes to much can lead to hearing loss.

Do you get hearing problems from the sound grenade?

Hearing problems from a Sound Grenade are TEMPORARY; however if someone were to be REPEATEDLY exposed to Sound Grenades (many times), they would MOST LIKELY have PERMANENT HEARING PROBLEMS.