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If a person has open sores that are weeping pus, they should immediately go to the nearest emergency room. The chances are high that the sores could become seriously infected if they are not treated right away.

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Q: Have open puss filled sores on legs and back?
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Symptoms of Chloracne or Acneform Disease include: excessive oiliness of the skin, fluid filled cysts and dark body hair. Severe Chloracne may lead to open sores and scars.

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The sores are open, wet, and "weep".

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Infitigo is also spelled like Infitaigo. Infitaigo as it's referred to, is a topical infection of the skin (hereditary in nature) that develops into puss-filled scabs, which eventually break open and result in open sores frequently. The condition can dry out surfaces of the skin indefinitely, wherein a white callous region can cover patches where sores have previously been most prevalent.

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Your nursing dog has open holes on her stomach and her puppies are 5 weeks and still want to nurse. The sores looked like boils filled with blood and now have burst open and now they look like holes.?

You should take your dog to the vet right away.

What are the release dates for U-S- Open Sores - 1989 TV?

U-S- Open Sores - 1989 TV was released on: USA: 1989 USA: 30 September 1989

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No, but herpes or other infection or irritation can cause both open sores and pain with urination. See your health care provider as soon as possible.

What does an elbow infected with staph look like?

An elbow that is infected with staph infection will be red and it may have sores on it. In worst cases, the sores are open and oozing.

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Are the small hard pea-size bumps on the inside of your wrists and shins and behind your ears swollen lymph nodes?

This may be a sign of herpes, get checked out, symptoms are swollen glands i lower region of upper legs,swelling/sores in area, when you pee it hurts if the open bumps are in the area, all and all very uncomfortable! It seems to come around alot during menostartion. This may be a sign of herpes, get checked out, symptoms are swollen glands i lower region of upper legs,swelling/sores in area, when you pee it hurts if the open bumps are in the area, all and all very uncomfortable! It seems to come around alot during menostartion. This may be a sign of herpes, get checked out, symptoms are swollen glands i lower region of upper legs,swelling/sores in area, when you pee it hurts if the open bumps are in the area, all and all very uncomfortable! It seems to come around alot during menostartion.