Its unlikely to happen. They have professionals taking the blood.
You are only losing a tiny amount of blood when you donate. Plus, you get cookies and juice afterwards!
"Have you thought about donating blood to save lives and make a positive impact in your community?"
I gave blood for the 1st time ever today. I have muscle cramps in both of my feet tonight and feel sick at my stomach. I also wonder if muscle cramps are a side effect of donating blood.
Yes, individuals on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) should consult with their healthcare provider before donating blood to ensure it is safe and appropriate for them to do so.
It is important to consult with a healthcare provider before donating blood after receiving testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) treatment, as certain medications and medical conditions may affect eligibility to donate.
yes i have
Yes; from contaminated needles.
Yes, people have died from spider bites.