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Q: Hair and nails are a thickened form of fatty tissue or epidermis?
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Related questions

What is the protein found in nails and hair?

Keratin is the protein in the epidermis that helps protect the skin and underlying tissue. Keratin is strong and waterproof.

What modification does the hair and nails have?


Hair and nails are the modification of what?

The epidermis.

Why are hair nails and cutaneous glands considered to be epithelial tissue?

because they grow from epithelial cells, are derivatives of epidermis, reside in dermis and are all over the body.

What is the purpose of the nails cuticles?

The cuticle is the layer of non living tissue that connects the nail plate to the epidermis. It protects the matrix from contaminants that could cause infection.

What are the names of the outside of the human body?

Epidermis (skin), hair, finger nails, and toe nails.

What is major skin layer that produces nails and hair?

The major skin area that produces derivatives is the epidermis. The derivatives in question that are produced by the epidermis are hair and nails.

Is Nails a connective tissue?

No. They are not connective tissue.

Are cuticles your epidermis?

Yes. Cuticles are skin cells at the base of your nails.

What epidermis layer does nails grow on?

The deepest layer, stratum germinativum

What protein is found in the skin hair and nails?

Nails are made of up the protein called keratin, which is a tough and insoluble structual protein. It is basically dead skin cells.

What type tissue is the nails?

Your nails come from nail bed. Nails are connected to the skin below. The trauma to the nails is borne by large surface area. This gives very strong support to nails to withstand the applied force on the nails. Nails of some animals are very strong as a result.