if you and your partner, really like being with each other and making love ,to get the best out of it is that when you;ll are having sex put your mine on what you are doing. relax your body and get the the fill of his body most of all fill that P INSIDE of you the next thing you know the both of you will be letting it go that agood feeling when you both go together.trust me.
The three laws of pleasure according to Fulton John Sheen are: the law of quantitative pleasure (the more you have, the less pleasure you get), the law of qualitative pleasure (the closer you get to perfect pleasure, the greater the pleasure), and the law of diminishing pleasure (pleasure eventually decreases if pursued for its own sake).
What is pleasure in lying? Work gives pleasure to some people.
You must have duty before pleasure because pleasure is not to be rushed
Tagalog translation of PLEASURE: maligaya
Either phrase can be correct, as long as the rest of the sentence agrees with it; e.g. '(have/had) the pleasure of..' or 'take pleasure in..'.
''It is a pleasure to be here," said Johnny.The pleasure of your company is lovely.Her dance brought great pleasure to all members of the audience.''It is a pleasure to be here.'' said jonny
with pleasure / my pleasure
Shopping is a pleasure for girls.
My pleasure
Horses that are rode for pleasure are just that, Pleasure horses. This is not to be confused with English or Western pleasure show horses, they are two different things.
The word for pleasure in Sanskrit is "Ananda."
The word 'pleasure' is a noun.