Lay down in a dark room, get a really soft pillow, asprin(2 pills if your above twelve), and a heat pack, the heat pack releases the pressure in your blood vessels, you will no if its working because, you will fall asleep and when you wake up the tension will be released. Repeat if necessary.
Well, darling, if you want that noggin of yours to stop throbbing, try popping a pain reliever, hydrating like your life depends on it, maybe even sneak in a power nap if you can swing it. And for heaven's sake, go easy on the caffeine and alcohol - they're not exactly besties with headaches.
For me, I usually eat sugar. I know this sounds like it's not going to work, but, it is very helpful. I just eat plain sugar so my sugar pressure is good.
Bludgeon your self
Take some aspirin if it don't work I'm sorry
lay down and have someone to rub your temples.
lay down and have someone to rub your temples.
See a doctor
It depends what you did before it started hurting there's medicine you can buy
probably something that has to do with the vitiams and meniarls in it
Because the Pressure is so high and it hurts your head. Surprisingly chewing gum will help stop the hurting
T o make it stop hurting.
Closest I could find is this: Bill make(s) remarks like: When does the Hurting stop or Make the Hurting stop.The Terrible Thunderlizards
If your trying to sleep then sleep side ways it helps me.
To get your stomach to stop hurting eat a bland diet and drink some Sprite or Ginger Ale.