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Glucose is carried in the blood plasma.

However, glucose can affect hemoglobin, and a test, glycolated hemoglobin, can be used to gauge average plasma glucose level over long periods of time

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it is carried by blood vessels and its talken to the pancreas...

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Q: Glucose is carried in which part of the blood?
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Which part of the blood transport carbon dioxide and glucose?

Carbon dioxide is transported in the blood by red blood cells in the form of bicarbonate ions. Glucose is transported in the blood by plasma, the liquid component of the blood.

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Which part of the blood glucose?

The Plasma

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Oxygen, glucose, nutrients, etc. Most probable answer required is oxygen (carried in the form of oxyhemoglobin).

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Because rbc's carry glucose (which is blood sugars).

In which part of blood is carbon dioxide carried?

the bloody part

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Oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients (such as glucose and amino acids), hormones, waste products, and antibodies are some of the substances carried by the blood.

Where can you find C6H12O6 in your body?

this is the symbol equasion for glucose (sugar) it is carried around our body in the blood to our cells!

What is C6 H12 O6 it is in carryed by blood?

C6H12O6 is the chemical formula for glucose, a sugar that serves as a primary energy source for cells. Glucose is carried in the blood and delivered to tissues throughout the body for use in cellular respiration to produce ATP, the energy currency of the cell.

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This process is known as glycogenolysis, where stored glycogen in the liver is broken down into glucose and released into the blood to maintain blood glucose levels.

Were do cells get energy to do work?

Oxygen (which we breathe in from the air) and Glucose (a sugar which we get form our food)Both oxygen and glucose are carried around the body via the blood