

General effects of alchohol

Updated: 9/24/2023
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9y ago

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if anyone drink alcohol it will makes ones mind relax but it creates many bad effects on nervous system becoause it has ingrediants which are harmful for body and the nervous system not works well thats why it create confusions in mind of thinking even a person donot understand when a man drink bear of alcohol includes in more quantity he donot know when it front of her sister or wife to sex. so Islam forbide it to drink for its bad effects on body. but in many coutries it is frequently used. the effects are not yet finished even when persons drink it a large quantity they make accidents of cars, and bad persons break the bottles of alcohol on streets and break shop mirrors. but some people also think that its little quantity to drink will help to relax their mind and create a good atmospheric effect among friends. but we should use natrual thing to drink and its only water.

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