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An arteriole is a very small blood vessel that leads an artery to a capillary. The main function of the arteriole is to change the blood pressure and velocity of blood flow.

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small blood vessels that branch from the arteries and transport blood from the heart to the body tissues.

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Q: Function of arterioles
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What is the major function of the arterioles?

Anterioles are the principal controllers of blood flow and pressure.

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What are cardiovascular adadptions?

incorporations of father arterioles by daughter arterioles

Does sympathetic stimulation cause vasodilation of which arterioles?

Sympathetic stimulation causes vasoconstriction of most arterioles in the body, except for arterioles in skeletal muscle and the heart where it causes vasodilation.

What is the job of arteries and arterioles?

The function is it carries blood away from the heart, and the structure of the wall is is usually very thick, there is 3 layers of the wall. The first is Epithelial cells, the second is muscle tissue, and the last is a flexible connective tissue.

What is Function of the blood capillary?

The function of blood capillaries is to provide cellular, or tissue, respiration, provide nutrients and remove waste products. They are the tiny blood vessels that are between the venules and arterioles and the interstitial space between cells.

What function is of blood capillaries?

The function of blood capillaries is to provide cellular, or tissue, respiration, provide nutrients and remove waste products. They are the tiny blood vessels that are between the venules and arterioles and the interstitial space between cells.