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This is a type of connective tissue. It is classified as loose and dense irregular connective tissues.

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Q: Forms internal supporting framework of soft organs such as the spleen?
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What is the supporting framework called in soft organs like the spleen and liver?


What type of connective tissue makes supporting framework of lymphoid organs?

The connective tissue that makes the supporting framework of lymphoid organs is called reticular tissue. It provides structural support by forming a network of reticular fibers and cells that help to organize and support the immune cells in lymphoid organs such as lymph nodes and the spleen.

What forms supporting tissue in walls of thymus and spleen?

The supporting tissue in the walls of the thymus is made up of a framework of reticular fibers and reticular cells. In the spleen, the supporting tissue consists of reticular fibers, fibroblasts, and smooth muscle cells. These structures provide structural support and help maintain the architecture of these organs.

How does a skeleton protect internal organs?

Well the rib cage surrounds and protects the heart, lungs, liver, spleen, kidneys and other internal organs from damage from external trauma. So the bones act as a shield for the organs.

Is heart and spleen visceral organs?

The term visceral means among or around or related to the organs. The term also means organs within the large internal cavities. These organs fit the second definition.

What are the internal organs of a rhinoceros?

The internal organs of a rhinoceros include the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines, and reproductive organs. They also have a complex digestive system with multiple stomach chambers to help break down the plant material they consume. The brain, spleen, and bladder are other important internal organs.

What are the five Yin organs?

The five Yin organs in Traditional Chinese Medicine are the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys. These organs play vital roles in maintaining the body's internal balance and overall health according to the principles of Yin and Yang.

Left side internal organs in the side of stomach?

The spleen is located on the side of the stomach. It is in the upper left hand side of the abdominal cavity.

How does the spleen differ from all the other abdominal organs?

Unlike the rest of the abdominal organs which are derived from endoderm, the spleen is mesodermal in origin.

Spleen cancer causes?

Most splenic tumors don't begin in the spleen, and those that do are quite often lymphomas. Lymphoma is a kind of blood growth that creates in the lymphatic framework. It is more regular for a lymphoma to begin in another piece of the lymphatic framework and attack the spleen than it is for lymphoma to begin in the spleen itself.

What organs are found in the left hypochondrial region?

Organs found in the left hypochondriac region include the spleen, part of the stomach, part of the colon, and the left kidney.

What are organs of circulatory system?
