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flow chart that computes the sum from 1 to 50

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Q: Flowchart that computes the sum of 1 to 50?
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step 1 : n = 11, sum = 0 step 2 : then sum = sum + n2 step 3 : n = n + 2 step 4 : if n > 50, go to step 6 step 5 : loop to step 2 step 6 : print sum step 7 : end

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A Sample java method that can do this sum of all numbers between 1 to 50 public int sumNumbers(){ int retVal = 0; for(int i = 0; i <=50; i++){ retVal = retVal + i; } return retVal; }

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What is the sum of the first 50 multiples of 6?

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