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Questions for the Question Game

  • Has someone ever saved your life? If so when?
  • Would you be faithful enough to be committed to only one girl for your lifetime.
  • What is your favorite NFL football team?
  • Have you ever been in love?
  • What is your favorite T.V. show?
  • Do you think that you are a player?
  • What are your favorite sports?
  • What sports do you play?
  • What is your favorite movie?
  • What job do you want to have as an adult?
  • What is your favorite store to shop at?
  • Who was the first person you made out with?
  • How far would you go with someone?
  • Are you waiting until marriage?
  • Who is your best friend?
  • Have you ever cheated?
  • Do you think you would ever want to date me?
  • What is your favorite restaurant?
  • If I were to just turn up at your door how would you react and what would you say?
  • How would you describe me using only one word?
  • Have you ever lied in one of your answers during the game?
  • If you had three wishes and you could wish for anything in the world what would you wish for?
  • What would you do if I died?
  • Who was your first kiss?
  • What is your favorite animal?
  • Would you more likely win in a fight against Batman or Spiderman...why?
  • Have you ever done something that you are ashamed of?
  • Have you ever seen a girl in just her underwear and then ask if a girl has ever seen him in just his underwear?
  • Have you ever gotten to third base and with whom?
  • Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
  • Other than your head, where is the hairiest place on your body?
  • What is your favorite part of a girl's body?
  • Where is the most public place that you have ever been completely naked?
  • On a third date, where is the place on your body you would like to be touched the most?
  • On a third date, where is the place on the girl's body you would most like to touch?
  • What do you want to improve the most about your body?
  • Do you kiss on the first date?
  • What do you enjoy the most about reaching second base with a girl?
  • Have you ever had trouble unhooking your date's bra?
  • What is your favorite color of girl's underwear?
  • What do you think girls like best about your body?
  • If a girl asked you to completely undress in front of her on your first date, would you do it?
  • Where does he least like to be touched by a girl on a date?
  • What is your least favorite item of a girl's clothing?
  • What is your favorite piece of a girl's clothing?
  • Have you ever spanked a girl? If so, who? when?
  • Have you ever been spanked by somebody other than his parents? If so by whom?
  • What is your ideal date?
  • Are you saved? if so when were you?
  • How many girls have you dated this year and who were they?
  • If you had to go out with someone who would you go out with?
  • What is a bad habit that you have?
  • What is your biggest fantasy?
  • What is the kinkiest thing you have ever done or said?
  • What/when was your closest encounter to sex?
  • What is your favorite food?
  • Where are you the most happy?
  • What is your favorite piece of girl's clothing?
  • What is your favorite hair color?
  • If you could take a shower with anybody in the world, who would it be?
  • What is your favorite body part?
  • What part of your body has never gotten sunburned?
  • Who are all your relatives that have seen you in just your underwear?
  • If you were going to buy your girlfriend some intimate apparel, what color would it be?
  • How many girls have touched your underwear while you were wearing it?
  • What do you and a girl do when you reach second base?
  • Are you a virgin?
  • What shoe size are you?
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13y ago
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Wiki User

13y ago

your eyes are all sparkly today

sweet smiles

you are adorable

nice shirt

have a poo

yo fatass

your a dick

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14y ago

I don't understand, how could someone as cute as you be single for so long! (:

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15y ago

hey cutie! wanna go out?

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Q: Flirty questions to ask a guy?
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What do you do when you like a guy but he wont ask you out and you don't want to ask him out?

Be flirty. That's what you do girly

How do you know when a guy will ask you out?

They will most likely be real flirty with you at this time.

How do you i get a guy to ask you out?

Just be yourself and a little flirty im sure you will find a guy in no time.

How do you get a guy to ask you to be their girlfriend?

Be flirty but not obvious. Guys get turned off if they know a girl likes them sometimes

How do you get a guy to notice you even though he doesn't like flirty girls?

Be straight up with him. Ask him to a movie or dinner.

What flirty questions should you ask your cru?

1. Have you been working out? 2. What do you look for in a girl? 3. How can someone like you be single? While asking these questions- bite your lip, rub your hands together, act playfully and above all feel flirty!

Questions to ask a guy who likes you and who you like back?

ask him if he wants to hang out sometime. or ask him questions to get to know him better.

What Questions to ask a guy on the second date?

ask him how he aonestly feels about you

How do you get a guy that barely knows you to ask you to prom?

Be flirty around the boy you like and if he likes you then he can do the rest but be patient. They're an easily confused species!

What questions should you ask a guy to get to know him better?

ask him what he likes to do for fun

How do you be flirty to get a guy to ask you out?

if i were you i would myself. if he likes you when you are different then he likes you for that, not yourself. he should like u for who u are!boys will be boys!

How do you talk to a guy if you are really shy?

Smile and ask him questions about himself . If he says anything, ask him more questions about what he said.