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A metallic taste in the mouth can be caused by any of many things. It is often a side effect of medication.

but what if you've been off the medication for 4days and still have that taste in your mouth??

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13y ago
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15y ago

Most likely you have:

eaten fish recently

swam in the ocean with your mouth open

muff dived

a rotting liver

had someone leave a dead fish in your crawl space several months ago

olfactory hallucinations

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15y ago

Could be caused by canker sores or minor ulcers in your mouth releasing bacteria. Try using Orajel mouth cleanser for a couple of days and see how that works out. Cheers.

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11y ago

Experiencing the taste of metal in the mouth can be caused by a variety of things. They include reaction to a medication, dental problems and dehydration.

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