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deffinatly if we didn't fertilize than we'd die out very rapidly

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Q: Fertilization of human important
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How do you describe human growth?

that is in your body And the fertilization in very important for your live

Why fertilized human is important?

Fertilization is important so species can have genetic variation. It is also important so the species can pass on their genes.

Where the fertilization of human being takes place?

the fertilization of human being being takes place in fallopian tube

What is the science definition of fertilization?

Human fertilization is the union of human eggs and sperm usually occurring in the ampulla of the uterine tube.

When do organ begin to develop in human?

in the egg cell after fertilization...or after fertilization and before birth

Are mitochondria and chloroplast important for fertilization?

Indirectly, yes because everything including fertilization requires energy for sperm to reach there and to initiate the fertilization. However, they are not not directly related or important contributors of fertilization.

Can it be possible for fertilization to happen outside the female human body?

Fertilization that happens outside the female body is called in-vitro fertilization. In this procedure, the ova is fertilized with the sperm in a laboratory.

Is human fertilization internal or external?


What is a developing human known as during the first eight weeks after fertilization?

A developing human during the first eight weeks after fertilization is known as an embryo.

What has the author H J Leese written?

H. J. Leese has written: 'Human reproduction and in vitro fertilisation' -- subject- s -: Fertilization in vitro, Human, Human Fertilization in vitro

What is the type of fertilization a lion uses?

The lion uses the same fertilisation as the human does.

Where firs fertilization usually occur?

In the human reproductive system, fertilization occurs in a woman's fallopian tubes.