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All human female egg cells contain X chromosomes, each cell only contains one chromosome. The male sperm cells can contain either an X or a Y chromosome (one or the other, not both). That is what determines the sex of the child, two Xs and its a girl, one x and one y and its a boy.


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Q: Female sex cells contain a 1 X chromosome b 2 X chromosomes c 1 Y chromosome or d None of these and why?
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What sex chromosomes are contained in a female body cell?

Female cells contain the sex chromosomes XX. A female gamete (ovum/egg) contains one X chromosome.

How the sex of a person determined?

Human cells contain 23 pairs of chromosomes for a total of 46. There are 22 pairs of autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes. The sex chromosomes are the X chromosome and the Y chromosome. If you are male you have the XY chromosome.. making you a male. If you are female you have the XX chromosome.. making you a female. It all depends on the father, if the father gives an X chromosome... you have a girl. Because it combines with the mother's X chromosome.. creating XX(a female) If the father give a Y chromosome.. you a have a boy. It combines with the mothers X chromosomes.. creating XY(a male)

How is the sex of a person is determined?

Human cells contain 23 pairs of chromosomes for a total of 46. There are 22 pairs of autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes. The sex chromosomes are the X chromosome and the Y chromosome. If you are male you have the XY chromosome.. making you a male. If you are female you have the XX chromosome.. making you a female. It all depends on the father, if the father gives an X chromosome... you have a girl. Because it combines with the mother's X chromosome.. creating XX(a female) If the father give a Y chromosome.. you a have a boy. It combines with the mothers X chromosomes.. creating XY(a male)

What sex chromosomes does a female have in all her cells?

A female human has two X sex chromosomes in her cells. A male human has one X and one Y sex chromosome in his cells.

Do egg cells contain either X or Y chromosomes?

No, egg cells only contain X chromosomes. Sperm cells are the ones that can carry either an X or Y chromosome, determining the sex of the offspring.

Chromosome arrangement for body cells of female?

chromosomes arragement in body cell of females

What is a haploid female reproductive cell?

As you may know, almost all our cells contain pairs of chromosomes - 23 pairs to be exact. These are called diploid. Haploid cells contain only one chromosome from each pair. Reproductive cells (both male and female) are haploid, so they can fuse and form a diploid cell with chromosomes from both the male and the female. The female reproductive cell (which is haploid) is the ovum, or egg cell.

How many chromosomes does each the male and female reproductive cell contain?

Male reproductive cells (sperm) contain 23 chromosomes, while female reproductive cells (eggs) also contain 23 chromosomes. When these two cells combine during fertilization, the resulting zygote will have a total of 46 chromosomes - 23 from each parent.

Do Body cells only have half the total number of chromosomes?

All body cells contain a total number of 46 chromosomes except sex cells (the egg and the sperm) which have half the number of chromosomes (23) no.... body cells or somatic cells have 46 chromosomes which is the diploid chromosome number of homo sapiens... gametes or sex cells have 23 chromosomes which is the haploid chromosome number...

How many copies of each chromosome do haploid cells have?

Haploid cells contain one copy of each chromosome. This means they have half the number of chromosomes as diploid cells, which have two copies of each chromosome.

How many pair of chromosomes do normal human cells contain?

Gametic [haploid] Cells are chromosome number n - which involves 23 individual chromosomes. Somatic [or diploid] Cells are chromosome number 2n - which involves 23 pairs of chromosomes. Mitotic Cells are 4n.

What kind of chromosome do females transmit of offspring?

Female transmit 23 chromosomes to the offspring. She has that unique chromosome called as X chromosome. This is transmitted to the offspring. From male you get either X or Y chromosome. From XX chromosome you get female child. From XY chromosome you get male child.