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Genetic factors plasma protein binding specific drug receptor sites in tissues regional blood flow

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There were two Thomas Lincolns in Abraham Lincolns Family.

His Brother & Father

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Q: Factors which affect the distribution of a drug in the body?
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What are the differences in drug distribution within the body when comparing a high volume of distribution to a low volume of distribution?

When comparing a high volume of distribution to a low volume of distribution, the main difference lies in how widely the drug spreads throughout the body. A high volume of distribution means the drug is extensively distributed in tissues beyond the blood, while a low volume of distribution indicates that the drug stays primarily in the bloodstream. This can affect the drug's concentration in different body compartments and its overall effectiveness.

What factors determine a drug's rate of metabolism?

How quickly a drug clears from the body is a function of its absorption, bioavailability, distribution, metabolism, and excretion properties.

Process that brings a drug from the administration site into the blood stream is called?

The process that brings a drug from the administration site into the bloodstream is called absorption. It refers to the movement of a drug from its site of administration into the bloodstream for distribution throughout the body. Factors such as route of administration, drug formulation, and physiological properties can affect drug absorption.

Why is the disk technique not a perfect indication of how the drug will perform in vivo?

The disk technique may not accurately reflect in vivo drug performance because it only measures the release of drug from the disk in a controlled environment, whereas in vivo conditions can be highly variable and complex. Factors such as metabolism, distribution, and elimination in the body can affect a drug's efficacy and bioavailability, which cannot be fully replicated by the disk technique alone.

What are the four stages of pharmokinetics?

The four stages of pharmacokinetics are absorption (movement of drug into bloodstream), distribution (spread of drug throughout body), metabolism (breakdown of drug into metabolites), and elimination (removal of drug or metabolites from the body).

What are the pharmacological factors that help us to understand the drug experience?

There are three pharmacological factors that helps in the understanding of drug experience. The pharmacological factors are the chemical properties of the drug and action on the body, drug dosage, and the route of drug administration.

How do you pass a narcotic drug test?

There are a lot of factors which can affect passing a drug test. First what kind of drug test you are going to take, are you a heavy user, what drug you use, what is your body type etc...

What are the five basic stages of pharmacokinetics?

The five basic stages of pharmacokinetics are absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and elimination. Absorption refers to the movement of a drug into the bloodstream, distribution is the spread of the drug throughout the body, metabolism involves the conversion of the drug into metabolites, excretion is the removal of the drug or its metabolites from the body, and elimination is the combination of metabolism and excretion.

What Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics?

Pharmacokinetics refers to how the body processes a drug, including absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion. Pharmacodynamics, on the other hand, is the study of how a drug interacts with its target receptors or enzymes in the body to produce a biological response. In summary, pharmacokinetics deals with what the body does to the drug, and pharmacodynamics deals with what the drug does to the body.

What refers to the amount of space a drug occupies?

The term you are looking for is "drug volume of distribution." This concept quantifies the extent of a drug's distribution throughout the body relative to the concentration measured in plasma.

Are drug stores in the retail distribution chain?

Drug stores are part of the retail distribution chain

Which drugs affect the brain or body?

Every drug in the world effects you believe it or not