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Because the economic value of agriculture had just began to grow and was not fully developed in the Caribbean. Remember that as the economic value of agriculture grew, the greater the number of slaves grew so that the economic standard could be sustained. As a result, there wasn't many African slaves in the Caribbean during that era.

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Q: Explain why in the 1490 and early 1500 there was only a small number of African slaves in the Caribbean?
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Where did the African influence in Caribbean come from?

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What is the Caribbean relation to Africa?

Europeans brought African slaves to Caribbean

Which of the following describes the Haitian revolution?

A revolt by African slaves in the Caribbean against French colonists.

What were the African slaves used to produce that was in the Caribbean?

They worked on the production of Sugar.

How did African slaves influence the Caribbean islands?

African slaves influenced the Caribbean islands by bringing their culture, languages, music, and culinary traditions, which enriched the cultural diversity of the region. Their forced labor also played a pivotal role in shaping the agricultural and economic development of the Caribbean. Additionally, they contributed to the development of unique art forms, such as dance and storytelling, that are still celebrated today.

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Brazil; the Caribbean

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he majority of African slaves were sent to South America and the Caribbean. Only a small portion of the slaves were sent to North America.

What was the longest period of survival for most African slaves in the English Caribbean?

Ten years

What describes the Haitian Revolution?

A revolt by African slaves in the Caribbean against French Colonists.

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African cultural forms in the Caribbean were strictly prohibited and was outlawed by governments in all Caribbean society. Those (slaves) who continued to practice them would face severe punishments.

Where were African slaves first brought to work?

The first African slaves used by Europeans were used by the Portuguese, on the island of Sao Tome, to grow sugarcane. The Spanish were the first to use African slaves in the Americas (in the Caribbean), and the first English colony to use African slaves was Jamestown, Virginia (which was the first English colony in the New World). However, long before Europeans used African slaves, the Africans had slaves who were African!

What country brought African slaves to sugar plantations in the Caribbean islands?

European countries such as Portugal, Spain, France, the Netherlands, and England were responsible for bringing African slaves to work on sugar plantations in the Caribbean islands during the Atlantic slave trade.