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weight pushes on nerves over time and sort of dulls them out like wax in your ear.

slender women are more sensitive due to the nerves being relatively closer to the skin and shorter nerve to brain distance.

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Q: Explain the relative sensitivity to environmental temperature between a oversize and a slender women?
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How do you explain the relative sensitivity to environmental temperature of these women one is hot ant other is cold?

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Temperature is relative to the?

Temperature is relative to the humidity of the surrounding.

What is relative humidity in terms of moisture and temperature?

relative humidity is the amount of moisture that air can hold in a certain temperature

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The relative humidity is about 45%.

What term refers to the temperature at which the relative humidity is 100?

That would be "dewpoint"...When the air temperature falls to the dewpoint (or dewpoint rises to the air temperature), then you have 100% relative humidity.

What is relative temperature?

Celsius and Fahrenheit are relative (standardized using the melting and boiling point of water) temperature scales. Kelvin is an absolute, thermodinamic based, temperature scale.

What is the crust's relative temperature?

It 160tempature.

What is the relationship between temperature and relative humidity.?

The temperature determines the humidity.

Relative humidity changes with?

Relative humidity changes with temperature and amount of water vapor in the air. As temperature increases, air can hold more water vapor, resulting in a decrease in relative humidity. Conversely, as temperature decreases, relative humidity increases as the air becomes saturated with water vapor.

What is the difference between relative humidity and dew point temperature?

Relative humidity is the amount of moisture in the air compared to the maximum amount it can hold at a given temperature, expressed as a percentage. Dew point temperature is the temperature at which air becomes saturated with water vapor and begins to condense into dew. Therefore, relative humidity is a measure of the moisture content of the air relative to its capacity, while dew point temperature is the temperature at which condensation occurs.

What does relative humidity do as the temperature decreases?

As temperature decreases, relative humidity increases because colder air cannot hold as much moisture as warmer air. This means that the air becomes more saturated with water vapor relative to its temperature, leading to higher relative humidity levels.