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Constructive feedback can be an effective tool when coaching other people in order to praise their strengths and develop the areas where they need to improve. It is required that the coach has the courage to communicate the feed back with to coachee. One way of giving feedback is to focus on the performance and behavior rather than the person. This will guarantee positive response and understanding which will make the coaching effective. The positive attitude towards the coachee will boost his/her self confidence and assure sustainable learning and development. This will lead us to the Sandwich Feedback technique; where a positive feedback is followed by negative and then positive feedbacks. A constructive feedback comes specific and coaches should avoid giving long statements with vague results bearing in mind the language used. Further more, the timing of the feedback is also important as the main goal is to attract the attention of the coachee. In conclusion, constructive feedback brings us again to the pulling rather than pushing technique; where the main focus is to help team members develop and improve their performance with most effort comes from the coachee.

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Q: Explain the importance ofv constructive feedback in the coaching relationship?
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What is example of constructive feedback?

If your boss told you that you are a lazy person, that is not constructive feedback. Its negative feedback. If they however told you that you need to put more effort into your work by, say, come to work earlier, that would be constructive feedback.

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If your boss told you that you are a lazy person, that is not constructive feedback. Its negative feedback. If they however told you that you need to put more effort into your work by, say, come to work earlier, that would be constructive feedback.

How do you gather and handle constructive feed back?

Following are five easy ways to handle constructive feedback 1. Take a moment 2. Imagine the feedback is being delivered to someone else 3. View Feedback as an Opportunity 4. Take notes 5. Reflect Feedback. These are the various five easy ways to handle constructive feedback.

Why it is important to give and receive constructive feedback?

It is important to give and receive constructive feedback this is because it will help the organisation be the best it can be. Receiving constructive feedback will help me to learn how to do things better and more efficiently which will help me do the job i do properly, also giving constructive feedback will help others the way it will help me and make jobs easier to do.You welcome

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This is a double edged sword; if the feedback is good and constructive, one walks away feeling empowered, but if the feedback is negative and not constructive it will absolutely make one feel miserable and fear for their job. However, if the feedback is negative but constructive, it gives one the opportunity to show the manager they can improve their performance and skill set and grow in their knowledge of business acumen.

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To obtain useful and constructive personal feedback from others, it's important to create a safe and open-minded environment where they feel comfortable sharing their thoughts. Ask specific questions about what you're seeking feedback on, listen actively to their responses, and show appreciation for their insights. Additionally, be open to constructive criticism and use the feedback to identify areas for growth and improvement.

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It's the intent behind the criticism/feedback. If it is meant to be constructive or to be hurtful makes a big difference.

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.people worry that the feedback might be negative and so they avoid asking for it. but if you want to improve, constructive feedback from others will help.

How people react and respond to constructive feedback?

Defensive, depressed, lashing out, yelling, tears.

What is construction feedback?

Constructive feedback is letting people know in a helpful way how they are doing, and how their performance is being perceived. Constructive feedback can be positive (letting someone know they're doing well), negative (letting people know about ways in which they could do better), or neutral (just an objective observation or analysis). There are two main elements that make feedback (particularly negative feedback) constructive. 1. The content of the feedback: Constructive feedback is specific, behavior or issue-focused (rather than a value judgment about the individual), based on what is observable (rather than assuming anything about the person's attitude or motivation), and includes some specific direction on how to make improvements if some are needed. 2. Most important, how the feedback is delivered. To be constructive, feedback should not be delivered in a manner that provokes resentment, resistance, defensiveness, hurt feelings, shame or a sense of failure. It means not backing the person into a corner with attacks. Honest doesn't mean tactless. This is where emotional intelligence really makes a difference.