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what you are exposed to can alter your everyday behavior. for example. if you grow up in an abusive houehold environment 90% of the time your behavior would be abusive...if you grow up in a loving environment you tend to be loving

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Q: Explain how environment can influence personality?
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How does environment influence personality?

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How could Environment influence personality?

The environment can influence personality through factors such as culture, family dynamics, social interactions, and life experiences. These influences can shape an individual's beliefs, values, attitudes, and behaviors, ultimately contributing to the development of their personality traits.

How heredity determines personality?

Hereditary determines personality through genetic codes. However, the environment that someone grows up in also has an influence on personality.

What are the process influence personality development?

The processes that influence personality development include genetics, environment, upbringing, and life experiences. Genetics play a role in determining certain traits, while environment, upbringing, and experiences shape how these traits are expressed. Additionally, social interactions, culture, and societal norms can also influence personality development.

What factors directly influence your personality traits?

A combination of heredity and enviroment.

What statement describing Adele belief about personality development is false?

Adele believes that personality development is solely determined by genetics, without any influence from environment or experiences. This statement is false because personality development is influenced by a combination of genetics, environment, and life experiences.

What are the two main factors that determine your personality?

Genetics and environment are the two main factors that determine an individual's personality. Genetics influence our predispositions and traits, while our environment includes our upbringing, culture, experiences, and social interactions.

What Role of Environment in Personality Development?

The environment plays a significant role in shaping personality development. Factors such as upbringing, family dynamics, cultural background, social interactions, and life experiences all contribute to how an individual's personality evolves over time. These external influences can influence behavior, beliefs, values, and attitudes, ultimately shaping one's personality.

Explain man's adaptation to environment and its influence on food?

No it is not. It is very hard to just cook for two people.

Theory of personality?

The theory of personality seeks to explain individual differences in behavior, thoughts, and emotions. There are various perspectives, such as psychodynamic (Freud), humanistic (Rogers), trait (Costa & McCrae), and social-cognitive (Bandura). These theories offer insight into how personality develops, the factors that influence it, and how it shapes our interactions and experiences.

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Is personality inborn?

Although some traits can be shared among parents and children with regard to personality, that does not mean that personality is inherited. A person's personality is slowly developed through experiences, how they were raised, and environment.