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Ergotism is a disease caused by eating rye grain (or bread made from it) which has been contaminated by the rye ergot fungus, which contains a small amount of the psycho-active chemical LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide). This alters normal brain function, and can cause what looks like insanity or demonic possession.

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Q: Explain ergotism and its relation to the unusual behaviors diplayed by those possessed?
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What is ergotism in relation to witchcraft?

Ergotism is a condition caused by the ergot fungus. This grows on grains and causes hallucinations, convulsion, paranoia, and mania. Before people had the technology to store most food safely, stored grain would be contaminated by this fungus, and everyone who ate it would get sick without knowing why.In 1976 Linda Caporael published an article in Science magazine which speculated that the Salem witch trials were actually due to ergot poisoning in the village. The symptoms that the Salem villagers described as being the result of witchcraft were some of the same symptoms that you get from eating ergot.

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