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A mental illness such as anorexia.

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Q: Excessive exercising can be a sign of what?
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Related questions

What Excessive exercising can be sign of?

A mental illness such as anorexia.

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What activities can cause cardiovascular disease?

excessive smoking, alcoholism, not exercising, intake of fatty foods and caffeine

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When i turned 18 my period cycle became normal and im 19 now and suddenly this month me and my partner had an intercourse i skipped my period does that mean anything?

Missed period can be a sign that your pregnant, you might want to get a pregnancy test. A missed period can be caused by other factors other than pregnancy such as stress, excessive exercising and dieting.

What usually a person can get rid of severe depression by confiding in a friend exercising and practicing a positive outlook suicide warning sign?


What does it mean if you always feel hungry?

Persistent stress and anxiety is a definite trigger for excessive hunger. Eating disorders like bulimia cause excessive hunger. At times, excessive hunger might also be tell-tale sign of a worm infestation in the intestine.

How can one confirm someone has bulemia?

Signs of bulimia (spelling correction) include people eating lots of food, but no notice of weight gain. Other signs include an obsession with excessive exercising and getting angry when questioned about eating little food. A history of anorexia is also a sign that someone may have bulimia. Vomiting after eating as well would confirm it.

Is vaginal candida white discharge with no scent a sign that you are pregnant?

The vagina loses discharge naturally as its a natural vaginal lubrication. Excessive vaginal discharge can be a sign of pregnancy or ovulation.

Why is my 8-year-old sleeping a lot and should I be concerned about their excessive sleepiness"?

It is normal for children to sleep a lot as they grow, but excessive sleepiness could be a sign of a health issue. It is important to monitor your child's sleep patterns and consult a healthcare provider if you have concerns about their excessive sleepiness.

If usually a person can get rid of severe depression by confiding in a friend exercising and practicing a positive outlook suicide warning sign true or false?


Why do you eat ice?

Eating excessive amounts of ice is a common sign of anemia. See a hematologist to have your iron levels checked.