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Liver glucose


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Q: Excess alcohol intake leads to a reduction in the synthesis rate of?
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Related questions

Does calorimetry measure alcohol intake?

Calorimetry measures heat energy released or absorbed during a chemical reaction or process, not alcohol intake. Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) tests are typically used to measure alcohol intake.

How does alcohol affect your bones?

Excess alcohol can interfere with the formation of new bone; that's why it's associated with low bone density. In addition, excessive intake increases the risk of fractures and other accidental bone injuries.

When nitrogen taken into the body exceeds nitrogen losses?

Excess nitrogen in the body can be used for muscle protein synthesis or be converted into urea and excreted by the kidneys as urine. Adequate protein intake and regular exercise help maximize the benefits of excess nitrogen for muscle growth and repair.

Is smoking marijuana bad after getting a tattoo?

Smoking marijuana after getting a tattoo will cause no harm to your body. However, alcohol intake before getting a tattoo can cause excess bleeding.

What does a high spgt alt level mean?

An elevated SGPT or ALT level is a measure of liver function. It might suggest muscle problems, heart problems, or excess alcohol intake.

What is alcohol intake?

That's another term for alcohol consumption.

Does calcification occur due to excess intake of calcium?


Which is the risk factor that you cant control?

there are many risk factors them being: - smoking - being overweight - no exercise, unhealthy food - high salt intake, excess alcohol but the one your looking for in 'Inherited Genes'

Characteristic of alcohol intake and lactation?

Alcohol easily enters breast milk

What influences teenagers to intake alcohol?


Why does poop sometimes feel spiky?

Increased fiber combined with a reduction in fluid intake.

What happens when you eat fatty foods before intake of alcohol?

You need much more alcohol to get drunk. It is most cost effective to drink before (or instead of) eating. Consumption of fatty meals after excessive alcohol intake does not generally annul the effects of alcohol.