Humans use selective breeding, which takes advantage OS nauturally occurring genetic variation in plants, animals, and other organisms, to pass desired traits on to the next generation of organisms.
one u are selective and the other you are not
Selective breeding.
1. an example of selective breeding is crossing a poodle and a labor-doodle that have desired traits. usually this is practiced on by plants and animals.
Most of the domesticated plants and animals you are familiar with have been produced through selective breeding. Dogs, cats, cows, goats, corn, grass, tomatoes, etc .
They selectively breed them. So that the animal has the best characteristics possible. Examples are pigs with more fat or sheep with thicker wool.
Biotechnology is involved in Selective Breeding.
the process of selecting a few organisms with the desired traits to serve as parents of the next generation is called what?
Animals in the wild breeding, such as squirrels, rabbits, deer, elephants, etc., are not selective breeding (artificial selection).
Another name of selective breeding can also be artificial selection.
You do not allow evolution to occur, for you are evolution in selective breeding.
Selective breeding is a way of maintaining animal existence. Selective breeding is when the strong survive. If only the weak survived then all animals would die out quickly
natural selecion