Not only does donating blood save lives, it can also greatly improve yours - if you're a male. Women filter their blood monthly from having their period, whereas guys do not. When the body loses blood (naturally or through donation) the body makes more blood. This allows for 'dirty blood' that can have too much iron in it, to be 'watered down' and healthier. Iron rich blood can be hard on your organs, so it's a good habit to get involved with.
No, donating blood is not tax deductible.
You won't get HIV through donating blood.
No, donating blood does not increase testosterone levels in the body.
is it bad donating blood a day before surgery?
Specefically, no. However, donating plasma is essentially donating blood. A loss of blood can caus fatigue, tiredness, and also leg cramps.
yes, by donating blood, uric acid level can be reduced at minimal extend .........
Donating blood does not make you fat, no.
your heart will pump more blood and then you get your blood back.
Yes, you can work out before donating blood. You should make sure you are adequately hydrated before donating, though.
Yes donating IS volunteering but only in someways, like donating blood, and money stuff like that glad I could help!