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Coffee is a diuretic so your kidneys work more, as with alcohol too, that's why you feel thirsty. But alcohol stills need to be burned (transform) by the body.

The alcohol in your brain make the kidneys to be uncrontrolable so you eliminate too many fluids.

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Q: Drinking coffee or some other caffeine drink will rid the body of alcohol?
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Will drinking coffee or other caffeine drink rid the body of alcohol?

Coffee is a diuretic so your kidneys work more, as with alcohol too, that's why you feel thirsty. But alcohol stills need to be burned (transform) by the body. The alcohol in your brain make the kidneys to be uncrontrolable so you eliminate too many fluids.

Name something you shouldn't do right before going to sleep?

watch TV eat drink alcohol drink coffee/caffeine exercise

When you have a headache and drink coffee it stop?

Drinking coffee might stop your headache - it depends on why you got the headache. If you are addicted to caffeine/coffee, drinking coffee will stop the headache if it is caused by withdrawal. It won't help if your headache is due to dehydration, illness, stress, etc.

What are the effects of caffeine on the body?

It depends on how much caffeine you have. Caffeine increases the speed of your heart rate and it can cause heart problems. As you probably know, most adults drink Coffee when they are tired. Coffee contains caffeine. By drinking coffee (consuming caffeine) it increases your heart rate and speeds up your body, giving you a burst of energy. Hope this helped ;)

When do you drink coffee?

Coffee contains caffeine, so unless you drink decaf, it will keep you awake for a while. If you drink it in the morning, it may help you feel more energized and help you to prepare for your day. It is recommended not to drink coffee after 3pm, because it will mess with your sleep schedule. Drinking caffeine at night will cause you to sleep less deeply, and ultimately wake up earlier. when the opportunity presents itself. i throw coffee down my neck whenever i can :)

Why do people drink coffee?

They like the taste and the caffeine in coffee is addictive.

Is it good to drink tea after alcohol?

Tea will keep the body hydrated after drinking alcohol, which is a key way of drinking safely and avoiding a hangover. However, tea also is naturally caffeinated, which is not always the best mix with alcohol. Tea is good to drink after alcohol in moderation.

What happens if you mix alcohol with coffee?

When you mix alcohol with coffee, the caffeine in the coffee can temporarily mask some of the effects of the alcohol, making you feel less intoxicated than you actually are. This can lead to excessive drinking and potentially dangerous situations because you may not realize how drunk you truly are. It's important to drink responsibly and be aware of the combined effects of alcohol and caffeine.

What drink has more caffeine then coffee?

Mountain Dew

Why does caffeine calm down meh instead of making meh crash into being tired?

First, check your spelling. It's me not meh. I have the same issue, coffee doesn't make me crash. Maybe it's the coffee you're drinking, how often you drink it, when, or how do you feel before you're drinking the coffee.

Can FBI agents have caffeine?

yes, they drink a lot of coffee..

What are the nicknames of caffeine?

Coffee, polertivest and grouind