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Q: Dose spirm die after washing your hands with sope or alcohol?
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How much rubbing alcohol would be considered a lethal dose for a human?

The lethal dose of rubbing alcohol for a human is estimated to be around 240 milliliters or more.

Is tingling in feet and hands a result of losartan and drinking alcohol?

Losartan is a drug for reducing high blood pressure. So, your tingling could just be a simple result of your hands and feet falling asleep. Certainly, consult with your doctor before taking another dose.

What is a lethal dose of alcohol?

What constitutes a minimum lethal dose of methanol depends on a number of factors. However, if alcohol poisoning is ever suspected, medical help should be obtained immediately.

Can you drink alcohol while taking a 3 day dose of levofloxacin?


After a one dose treatment of flagyl how long to consume alcohol?

After a one dose treatment of Flagyl you should wait at least 48 hours before you consume alcohol. If you do not wait the recommended time, you could experience negative side effects because Flagyl interacts with alcohol.

Aspirin do not change the way alcohol acts on people?

the answer is that yes it dose change the way alcohol acts on people ppl are stupied if u do take pills with alcohol.

Does kiowa Gordon drink alcohol?

No but he dose Smoke i think he shoukd stop

Is it ok to drink alcohol 7 hours after you have had the last dose of your z-pack pill?

No you should not drink any alcohol with your medication.

What dose of Dilaudid is deadly with alcohol?

It depends on how much alcohol is in the blood and how much Dilaudid you take and how it is taken wheather oral or intraveinious

How many people die from over dose of pills or alcohol?

i think mabe 12

Does mikes hard lemonade have caffeine?

No. It has ethanol (beverage alcohol) instead.