You should figure out why you don't trust her, then all you have to do is try and fix that. If all else fails, hello, dump her!!! ♥
If you feel like you can't trust anyone, you should get counseling or therapy.
No, you do not need a girlfriend, in fourth grade. Wait until 6th grade. TRUST ME.
not if you trust her :)
just hang out with her and find things about her ask her questions but dont tell her that your trying to find out is you can regain trust in her.
Do you trust your girlfriend? if you do then no worries pal just let her hang with them and if they really are not the greatest people then she will figure it out...
A girlfriend should do first of all what a friend would do- spend time with her partner, trust them, and encourage them to do their best. Beyond that, they should be there to comfort, to help, and to talk to. Relationships are all about trust and communication.
not unless you trust her ;)
You should think about why you are with this person. If you cannot trust her why would you be with her?
i think you should you should be able 2 trust your girlfriend!!!!!!!!!!!
a relationship is based on trust and love so if you dont trust her it will never work..
relationships are base don trust and if you dont know if you could do that then maybe you should rethink your relationshipNo, because he had worried for what he did to his ex-girlfriend.And if he worried maybe, he will not do the same to you.And if you love him, you should trust him.