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Q: Does zanaflex cause metalic taste in mouth?
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What does it means when you have a metalic taste in your mouth?

Metal taste in your mouth could be caused by a few factors: either you are suffering a gum disease, or are undertaking medication which causes this effect or that you are lacking enough iron in your body. If it persist for more than a day, its time to see your dentist and/or your general practitioner respectively so as to get the right cause of it.

What causes a metalic taste?

Stop eating your own feces, that is the only cause of it. Other then than chewing on metal.

Does cynanide poisoning cause a metalic taste in mouth?

I cannot find any verification but I had the ventilation in my car on full blast for 1 hour while driving and developed a bad headache and mild fever all night, next day had a strong metallic taste in mouth. Hope a scientist will answer this.

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That taste is sulphur.

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What medications cause a salty taste in the mouth? My doc put me on Indapamide, which is a diuretic. I developed a terrible salty mouth and had to stop it.

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Yes, losartan can cause side effects such as changes in taste, including a sour taste in the mouth. If you experience this side effect, it is recommended to speak with your healthcare provider.

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