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Yes, for a lot of people it does, but for a lot of other people it doesn't

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Q: Does your stomach show at all during the 3rd and 4th month of pregnancy?
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Can your stomach grow in a month?

Yes, your stomach can grow in one month. If you are already fat before pregnancy you will gain weight immediately. You can show during your second month.

When you are pregnant when do your stomach get hard?

Hello, During your first pregnancy your pregnancy will take longer to become more noticeable. If this is not your first pregnancy and is your second, third, etc then you will usually show earlier. The stomach usually becomes hard around the fourth month or later, into your pregnancy. Once again, it depends whether this is your first or later pregnancy. Multiple pregnancies usually show earlier. Also, if you are overweight or have extra fat on your stomach, this may result in your tummy not feeling hard until you are further along into your pregnancy.

When will your stomach show you are pregnant?

It depends on the woman, and the size of the baby. Most woman dont show until around the 4th month. After the 1st trimester has ended. This contributer showed at 10 weeks. And had a large baby!

Can you show in the first month of pregnancy?


How long it takes for pregnancy to show up?

One month

Is lower stomach pain and stomach is hard this sign of pregnancy?

The lower stomach pain might indicate that you are going to be due your period. The ''stomach going hard'' however may not be a sign of pregnancy - It does also depends on how long ago you had sexual intercourse and you may feel your stomach has grown. It begins to show after A month or Two.

How early can you show sings of being pregnant?

You can show during your second month of pregnancy. Some women don't start showing until their fourth month of pregnancy. It depends on your weight before you were pregnant when you will show.

Is gaining fourteen pounds in one month okay during pregnancy?

It depends on what month you are in. 14 lbs is quite a bit to gain, but it varies from woman to woman. Talk with your doctor on your next visit and he/she can show you the averages per month.

How much do women show at 5 months?

You should have a pretty noticeable bump during the fifth month. You should have already gained at least twenty pounds. Every woman is different during her pregnancy.

Can you feel your baby in the first month of conception?

No. It is unusual to show a change in waistline within the first month of pregnancy.

At which month does your belly start to get harder and does it start getting bigger and harder under your belly button?

Hi, During your pregnancy your tummy usually becomes harder during the 3rd month of pregnancy but it can be earlier in some women if its their second pregnancy. If this is your second pregnancy, you usually show earlier than you did with your first and some first pregnancies are late showing. This is normal. Yes your tummy can become harder underneath your belly button but it really depends on what position the fetus is in.

How long does it take to start showing?

You can show during your third month in pregnancy. You need to gain about five pounds to start showing your belly. Your skin will stretch and this causes it to itch.