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Absolutely not. These things are complicated and your first love is your first love, regardless of whether or not you are in a relationship with that person.

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Q: Does your first love necessarily have to be your first relationship?
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I definitely think that it's possible to love someone and not be in love. I go through the same problem. It all depends on the relationship you had with the person. You might just miss that relationship you two had and you just miss having that in your life, not necessarily the person.

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The guy

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That's a complex question. What happened to his "first love". If she died you may have a little trouble getting him to forget her. But that's normal and not necessarily a bad thing. If she just dumped him and he's still enamoured I suggest that he is not emotionally mature enough to be in a serious relationship.

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Love knows no age.

In a relationship do you have your first kiss or say i love you first?

by all means kiss first. dont say i love you until well into the relationship and only if you really mean it. i agree.. KISS FIRST. If they say i love you, make sure that you are emotionally ready. They are some BIG words!!!

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If you have faith in someone, it means you already love that person. So love comes first, the rest follows.

Jose rizal first love?

Jose Rizal's first love was Segunda Katigbak, a young Filipina from Lipa, Batangas. Their relationship inspired Rizal to write poems and love letters. However, their love affair did not progress into a formal relationship.

Can a person still love their first love?

Yes. Somewhere in most people's heart, they always love that first love and there is no relationship afterwards that compares in some way. Not to say no relationship afterwards is better, because most first loves don't last. Still, the memories do and that's ok.