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Q: Does yawning have to be loud vocal?
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What is the yawning monkey?

A really loud queef.

What is the euphemism for loud mouth?

The euphemism for "loud mouth" is often "talkative" or "vocal."

What does it mean in vocal singing to belt?

it means to sing loud but not so loud that your shouting. You go strong and loud

What are vocal prayers?

A vocal prayer , is a prayer spoken out loud to your god.

Can you break your jaw from yawning?

Fracture of the mandible may occur during yawning if there is bone loss due to poor periodontal thealth.

What does vocal colour in drama?

the vocal colour is the way your voice comes out for example someone who is angry will shout so the voice will be loud but possibly deep.

What does vocal technique mean in drama?

loud and quiet voices, different tone of voice!

What is a loud burst of emotion?

A loud burst of emotion is an intense and vocal display of feelings such as anger, excitement, or joy. It can involve shouting, crying, or other loud expressions of one's emotions.

Do screamo damage your voice?

Any amount of loud screaming can cause damage to your vocal chords.

How can you learn to maintain a clear level and loud voice?

To maintain a clear level and loud voice, you can practice vocal exercises to strengthen your voice, work on proper breathing techniques to support your voice, and practice good posture to ensure optimal vocal function. Additionally, staying hydrated and avoiding habits like smoking can help in maintaining vocal clarity and volume.

Why is yawning not contagious to people with autism?

Yawning is not a disease.

Is yawning rude?

if rude and yawning are defined as such i don't see any reason why the act of yawning be rude. yawning is physiologic. would urinating and defecating be rude also?