No, this is a myth. Regular waxing over time will actually make the hair grow in more thinly, though this may not be evident for some time (years).
may be it takes a week or 10 days, but why do u do waxing, do you have more hair on chest, you can go for some hair removal solutions
theres probably some special hormones you can get, ask your doctor :)
You don't have to stop, although the older you get and the more you shave, the hair will get longer, grow faster and become thicker, so really i wouldn't shave at all.
No. Waxing can just give you a hair free day but not permanently. Hair will grow back 4-6 weeks after waxing.
No waxing removes the hair from root, it will grow back lighter and thinner and with continuous use, the hair root will die....
sunlight cause that is its natural light
The waxing moon. :)
Waxing does not make the hair coarser. Instead, it has the opposite effect. Hairs will end up growing out finer and over time after waxing consistently, you will see that the hair will take longer to grow back and it will grow back less.
it depends on the variety and the rootstock
It's usually said that the moon is 'waxing' when it appears to grow in size.
depends where are you waxing? ;)