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Assuming you mean Toradol ( ketorolac). It does come in a pill form.

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Q: Does toroidal come in a pill form?
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Seroquel is only available in pill dosage form. So , No it does not come in liquid form.

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It can come in tablet form or capsule

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"Anesthesia" does not come in pill form - it is an intravenous drug (or sometimes a gas). You may be thinking of a "sedative", some of which do come in pill form, but is very different to anesthesia.

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If you crush a pill then yes, it can be in powder form.

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yes, you can buy them at without a prescription

Can you take a pill not birth control pill to make you become pregnant faster?

I am not sure what form they come in, but you can obtain fertility medication from a licensed physician.

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How do you know the strength of a pill?

Many have it stamped into the pill itself; others only come in certain amounts and each strength has a different form of pill. For most, you have to rely on the packaging. If you don't have the packaging it came in, don't trust it.

Where did the term pill come from as she was being a pill?

'pill' in this instance is short for the current British slang 'pillock', which is derived from the older form 'pillicock' - yet another slang word for penis, applied to a stupid, worthless, or annoying person.

Does Strattera come in any other form than pill?

Answer: Currently it does not. There are no generic forms of Atomoxetine HCL yet either.