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Q: Does too much oxygen causes edema?
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Can too much oxygen harm community tank fish?

No. There is not such thing as too much oxygen just too much carbon. It is good to have a lot of oxygen so the fish dont die because of no oxygen.

What does edema do?

In edema, either too much fluid moves from the blood vessels into the tissues, or not enough fluid moves from the tissues back into the blood vessels. This fluid imbalance can cause mild to severe swelling

What environmental problem caused by the use of ferlilizers?

Fertilizer runoff pollutes the water shed and water down stream. This causes too much growth in bays and coastal waters. This causes oxygen depletion.

What happens when someone hyperventilates?

They breathe too much oxygen. This causes light-headedness. Breathe slowly for awhile or breathe into a paper bag to raise your CO2 .

What causes having too much strength?

too much strength is when you excercise, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Can too much oxygen be toxic?

Yes it can.

What is meant when you say too much is bad and too little is bad?

The "Goldilocks Principle" applies to everything. For anything you can name, there is "too much!", or "too little", or "Just right!" Water; too much water, and you will drown; too little water and you die of thirst. Food; too much and you get fat, too little and you'll starve. There's a "Just right!" somewhere in between. Oxygen; too much oxygen, and you'll have seizures and you'll be brain-damaged. That's why scuba divers never dive with pure oxygen; below about 40 feet depth, the oxygen becomes toxic. Too little oxygen, and your brain will starve.

What would happen if their was too much oxygen?

Too much air would harm the body

The idea that too much money in the economy causes inflation?

quantity theory: Theory that too much money in the economy causes inflation.

Can too much oxygen cause respiratory failure?


What are the causes for kidney failure?

When you eat too much salt and drink too much sugar

Is there a condition wherein oxygen is in excess amount in the human body what is its effect?

Well it's not a condition but yes. When your body has too much oxygen, usually caused from Hyperventilation, it causes you to get dizzy, lightheaded, and shaky. When your body has too much oxygen, that means it's releasing too carbon dioxide and not enough oxygen, so what you should do when this happens(and this is the reason why people breath in bags) is breath in a bag, breathing in a bag helps give you more carbon dioxide and takes away some oxygen so it will get you back to normal. Good luck and I hope this helps =]