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It goes between the posterior surface of the umbillicus of the mother to the external umbillicus of the fetus

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Q: Does the umbilicus lies on the anterior or the posterior surface of the abdomen?
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anterior and posterior relation of both the kidny?

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The movement of one anterior surface towards another anterior surface, except in the case of the knee where it is posterior to posterior (Humans Only)

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Its posterior surface due to the presence of spine.

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The heart has three surfaces: anterior, inferior and posterior. The anterior, sternocostal surface, the inferior or diaphragmatic surface and the base of the heart, the posterior surface.

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Anterior body surface, the buttocks and shoulder blades are on the Posterior body surface.

How can you tell which side of the heart is the anterior surface and which side is posterior surface?

Posterior is a word that derives from the latin prefix "post", meaning behind. Thusly, posterior is in reference to anything located behind something, so the posterior end of the heart is the one facing back.

What term is the same as anterior?

The term "anterior" is the same as "frontal." It refers to the front part or surface of something.

What surface groove seperates the right and left ventricles?

Anterior and posterior interventricular/longitudinal sulci (singular sulcus).

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An elongate midline mark on the anterior, dorsal surface of the abdomen which overlies the heart

Teach the surfaces and borders of tibia?

tibia has three borders and three surfaces.Borders: anterior border,lateral border,medial border.Surfaces:1)posterior surface(between medial and lateral border)2)lateral surface(between anterior and lateral border)3)medial surface(between anterior and medial border)