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Yes, unless you are talking about in your vagina. Sperm dies after a few seconds out in the open. If you are asking about sperm that may have reached an awkward location, like a towel, clothing, a bed, or a plastic chair, then don't worry, you are not going to impregnate anyone. On the other hand, if it is in a vagina, the damage is done.

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No. If so, they would be detrmental to the human body.

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10y ago

Is sperm is washed away with soap and water, it will die. This is because the fluid that the sperm need to survive will be washed away.

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Q: Does the sperm dies when it is washed with water and soap?
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Does sperm die if it is washed off hands?

Yes, sperm can die when it is washed off hands due to exposure to soap, water, and temperature changes. Washed off sperm is not likely to survive, especially if it is not in a suitable environment to sustain life.

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soap+water+flannel= washed

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um....... it dies doh well that's what i think

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to protect it from germs or bacteria

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They usually washed with soap and water.

How soon sperms are killed by soap water?

Sperm cells can be killed instantly upon contact with soap or soapy water. The chemicals in soap disrupt the sperm cell membrane, leading to their rapid destruction.

If semen on your skin is washed with tap water without soap are there any live sperms on your skin even though the semen is already being washed off?

The Chances of that are highly unlikely. It doesn't take a whole lot to kill a sperm cell. Chances are the majority of the sperm cells died upon contact with the skin and air and the up to about 95% of them had died off after a few moments in the open air. After washing the area with soap and water it is likely that 99.9% of cells have been killed off. Science of life is never guaranteed and what may seem like could never happen can become a possibility in a one off situation. However, chances are that there are no remaining sperm cells alive after the skin has been washed with soap and water.

How did they wash their clothing in ancient Egypt?

They were normally washed by professional washerwomen or men. They would be washed in the water.

If sperm is on your hand and you wash it can it be trased for DNA purpose?

Yes the DNA can be erased if the hands are washed thoroughly with soap and a good strong disinfectant.

Have you ever had your mouth washed out with soap If yes what brand of soap was used?

No, I have never had my mouth washed out with soap.

How is dove soap made?

Detergent and water.

Can Mod Podge be removed from cloth?

Yes, "Mod Podge" is water based and can be removed/washed out with soap and water.