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Yes it has. The Scapula and humerus forms the shoulder joint and they both coordinate to give overhead abduction, that is abduction above 90 degrees.

for every 30 degree movement of the arm or the humerus the scapula moves by 10 degrees. We cannot have overhead abduction is our scapula is stabilized or does not move.

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Q: Does the scapula have any movement?
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Which movement is not associated with the scapula?

The movement of flexion and extension is not directly associated with the scapula. The scapula primarily contributes to movements such as protraction, retraction, elevation, and depression.

What process on the scapula does not articulate with other bone?

The medial border of the scapula is what does not articulate on the scapula with any other bone. It is actually parallel to the vertebrae column and because it does not articulate the arms as well as shoulders have move movement.

Is tipping of scapula same as winging of scapula?

No, tipping of the scapula refers to an anterior or posterior tilt of the scapula, while winging of the scapula is when the medial border of the scapula protrudes outward away from the ribcage. Both issues can affect the normal movement and function of the shoulder joint, but they are distinct conditions.

IS upward rotation of the scapula the same as lateral rotation?

No, upward rotation of the scapula refers to movement where the scapula moves upward and rotates in an upward direction around the axis. Lateral rotation, on the other hand, is the rotation of a bone around its longitudinal axis. These are two different types of movements.

What is the movement of the scapula when the humerus abducts?

Moves shoulder away

Type of movement trapezius produces?

The trapezius muscle is responsible for various movements of the shoulder and neck, such as elevation, depression, retraction, and rotation of the scapula. It also helps to extend and laterally flex the neck.

Which term can be used to describe protraction of the scapula?

The term used to describe protraction of the scapula is "abduction." This movement involves moving the scapula away from the midline of the body.

Which muscle is responsible for holding the scapula on the chest wall?

The Serratus Anterior muscle is responsible for holding the scapula against the chest wall. It helps stabilize the scapula and is important for proper shoulder movement and function.

What holds the scapula in place?

The scapula is held in place by a group of muscles called the rotator cuff, as well as other muscles such as the trapezius and serratus anterior. These muscles help stabilize the scapula and allow for proper movement of the shoulder joint. Additionally, ligaments and the bony anatomy of the shoulder joint also contribute to keeping the scapula in place.

Are the scapula and shoulder the same?

No, the scapula is the technical term for the shoulder blade bone, while the shoulder refers to the entire joint where the arm attaches to the body. The scapula plays a crucial role in shoulder movement.

How many muscles Originate on the scapula?

Seventeen muscles originate on the scapula, including the deltoid, trapezius, and subscapularis muscles. These muscles play a key role in shoulder movement and stability.

What is the acromiocoracoid ligament?

The acromiocoracoid ligament is a ligament that connects the acromion process of the scapula (shoulder blade) to the coracoid process of the scapula. It helps stabilize the shoulder joint and provides support for the shoulder complex during movement.