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Ovulation occurs about two weeks after your period, so since most women are on a one month (or 28-day cycle) your egg would drop two weeks before your period also. Of course, it varies from person to person and stress/health factors are involved, but that's the standard amount of time.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Ovulation occurs about halfway in between two periods. So if you start counting your cycle on the day your period ends, you would start to ovulate around day 14 and start your period around day 28. Ovulation generally lasts a few days.

Its basically when you're uterus opens up, preparing you're body to be impregnated (if you have sex around that time) or start you're menstrual flow. it usually happens for a week or a couple of days and hurts a bit to, like you're having cramps (for some).

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10y ago

Ovulation is part of your menstrual cycle, the term 'menstrual cycle' refers to your entire reproductive cycle - I think you mean before or after menstruation. Ovulation usually occurs two weeks before menstruation, but as it's a CYCLE it will occur after menstruation too.

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16y ago

The egg is released from the ovary almost exactly between periods (about 2 weeks after the last and before the next).

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18y ago

ovulation occurs 14 days before your period

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Q: Does the egg drop after or before your period?
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Momentum and impulse are both important in an egg drop experiment. Momentum is the mass of the egg multiplied by its velocity, which determines how difficult it is to stop the egg upon impact. Impulse, on the other hand, is the force acting on the egg over a period of time during impact, influencing the egg's change in momentum. These factors impact how well the egg survives the drop.

Can you ovulate before you period?

ovulation normally occurs about 2 weeks before your period actually starts. The purpose of a period is a direct relation to the release of an egg during ovulation. The egg will be released from the falopian tubes and enter the uterus (ovulation). Once the egg sits in the uterus for several days if it is not penetrated by sperm the body will reject it by causing contractions of the uterus to release the egg. This is when your period occurs as your uterus is "washing" out the egg from the uterus. So....yes...ovulation always occurs before your period.

Is it possible to get pregnant when you have your period?

It is possible but highly unlikely. When you have your period it is to flush out your system, it it not? When you get pregant right before your period (Before the sperm reaches the egg) the period flushes it out.

Does your body release an egg before or after your period?

For most women, between each period is a time spam of 28 days roughly. Yours could be shorter or longer. 14 days before your expected period you ovulate (release and egg) This is known to be the best time for trying for a baby because the egg is ready to be fertilized. If the egg isn't fertilized you will have your period 14 days later. So the answer to your question is before.

What is Siemen's egg drop?

Siemen's egg drop is a experament, where you have to wrap the chicken egg in materails and drop it and hope it doesn't breah.

Why do women get discharge before their period?

to prepare for the egg to come down

Does progesterone drop before a period?

Yes, I believe it drops dramatically right before your period arrives, on or around cycle day 28.

When was Egg Drop created?

Egg Drop was created on 2012-01-11.

Is it possible to release a egg 1 day before your period starts?

It's possible to have bleeding a day after ovulation, but unlikely to have a "real" period a day after releasing an egg.