neurotransmitters get sent to the cerebellum concerning motion and balance. so they get it, but dont carry it.
Vestibular receptor cells send messages to the brainstem and cerebellum. These messages help maintain balance, spatial orientation, and coordination of head and eye movements.
A. Inferior olivary nucleus
the cerebellum sends messages to your main body muscles (your legs, hands, arms, etc...) so when you run your cerebellum tells your legs to stay stable and your legs do but if there is something wrong in your cerebellum then that causes Parkinson's disease
Yes They have been used to Carry messages for hundreds of years.
Cerebrum is the collective name for the major lobes of the brain being the frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital. Cerebellum is an additional lobe at the posterior of the brain, the cerebellum filters and fine tunes messages before travelling down the spinal cord
In the back
there are different types of cells that carry messages
Remember: Axons away, so dendrites carry messages from the cell, and axons carry them away.
Pigeons have been trained to carry messages in the past.
The brain steam, cerebrum and the cerebellum!