no loosen your arm shots dont hurt
No they do not dont be scared because you don't even feel it. I was terrified when I was getting it but the shot itself does not hurt.
TDAP shots are used as an imunitization vaccine to A disease known as whopping cough A lung disease found in people of a younger age. TDAP shots can be painful for a week or so, such as sore pain on the area of injection
Yes they do need to be renewed every ten years.
Shots do not hurt silly :P
I usually get mine in the bottom but they can also be given in the arm, although they hurt more there.
I was wondering do shots hurt me if
no it do not hurt
Both are types of tetanus shots.
The number of shots students get during a seventh grade physical exam can vary. It usually includes required vaccinations such as Tdap, HPV, meningococcal, and annual flu shots. Your child's healthcare provider or school nurse can provide a specific list for your area.
Yes they do hurt but don't worry the shot last a second.
Hey retard. Somebody just stabbed your muscle. why wouldnt it hurt?!