it is in many caribbean wives' tales that it will put parents to sleep so that kids can go on their dates. I tried it myself, and it works for me. I traded it for Valerian root capsules to help me sleep. Try it. the best answer is if it works for you, then it works.
I sell the tamarind candy apples on eBay if you ever want to try those out. They are delicious and great for gifts. Type: Tamarind Candy Apples and you will find them there. Thanks!!
you have to wait till 23.00 then she will go to sleep and then it will be 12.00am again. you cant actually make her go to sleep or take a nap
No, tamarind is a fruit.
What are the medicinal values of tamarind # Tamarind is a good source of antioxidants that fight against cancer. Tamarind contains carotenes, vitamin C, flavanoids and the B-vitamins # Tamarind protects against vitamin C deficiency # Tamarind reduces fevers and provides protection against colds # Tamarind helps the body digest food # Tamarind is used to treat bile disorders # Tamarind is a mild laxative # Tamarind lowers cholesterol # Tamarind promotes a healthy heart # Tamarind can be gargled to ease soar throat # Tamarind can be applied to the skin to heal inflammation
first take some tamarind then dry red chilly salt and some curry leaves then mixed well chutney ready
go to sleep.
to wear him
Maybe he just needs to eat more, or rock him to sleep, but sometimes make a nap and sleep schedule, and make a reward when he does go to bed.
Young Tamarind pods. If you need a substitute for it, you can use any souring agent like lemon, lime and calamansi. You can also go to an oriental foodstore and buy tamarind powder, or sinigang mix ( a powder made from dried tamarind), if you specify the dish you need it for i may be able to recommend the best alternative